I've caught on to the "100 Things About Me" craze. I'm bored. Indulge me.
1. I am the youngest of four kids
2. My nickname in middle school was "apple bonkey" (local slang for "butt). Pre-pubscent boys can be so forward!
3. I am terrified of frogs and mosquitoes. You'd think I would learn to adopt a few of the former in order to eradicate the latter. But, nah! I'm going to continue running in the opposite direction of both.
4. One of my favorite summer activities is sitting on the kitchen floor, eating a bowl of mangoes picked fresh from the tree. I'm talking about peeling off the skin with your teeth, biting into the flesh, and licking the juices that run down to your elbows. (You'd have to be from the tropics to understand).
5. The first time I used a tampon, I was in college. My mom always thought I was "too young". Can you imagine the torture during P.E. in high school?
6. I don't curse. At all. My friends wonder how I get through life.
7. It took me 3 years to understand that catching butterflies and forcing them to flutter to their oxygen - deprived death in my bedroom was inhumane. I was 5, people, and I was all about bringing the outside in - tadpoles included (until they started sprouting legs).
8. I am unabashedly discriminating with ice cream: Vanilla, Chocolate Chip or Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough...and ne'er anything in between.
9. I love getting up at the butt-crack of dawn but only when I have absolutely nowhere to go.
10. Thanks to a book called"The Girl with Silver Eyes," when I was 9 or 10, I almost became cross - eyed trying to make objects levitate with the power of my eyes. That was an interesing visit to the optometrist: "So your eyes can do what?"
I don't curse often, which gives it a much more powerful impact when needed.
Nice start to the list!
Happened upon your blog a bit ago. LOVING it!
Are these photos really you?
Clever girl.
Hi Jamie,
Thanks for the compliment. Happy to know I have a new reader. Makes me wonder how many anonymous readers there are out there. (Make yourself known, people! Would love to hear from you).
And, no, these pictures are not of me (they do look like the same girl though, huh?)Come back anytime!
I'm adding you to my blog-roll! Write on!
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