Sunday, February 3, 2008

No Complaints

Life begets life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich.

-Sarah Bernhardt

Kudos to me! It's been a month into this new year in which I've pledged to live differently! I promised myself that I would do the things I want to do without excuses; that I would make the time for developing hobbies, learning new skills, and dabbling with new experiences. And here's how I'm doing so far:

1. I'm taking a photography class and loving it!

2. I suppose that also counts as a skill because I'm learning so much!

3. I went camping last weekend (the first time in 12 years) and I absolutely loved getting dirty!

Recently, I've realized that when asked how I am doing, I blurt out, " I'm doing well! I really can't complain!" Wellness is the name of my game for 2008. I intend to live stress free, inspired (and inspiring), and contented! I banish all negative energy from my life and welcome only positive and mutually edifying relationships.

How are your resolutions / life alterations working out so far?

1 comment:

RJTrue said...

They are not working out! But I'm getting there! Reading about where you are is quite helpful though and I'm definitely happy for you!
Thanks for your words ... that quote is perfect :)