Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Assignment 1

I wrote to Customer Service Representative (CSR) again to say that I enjoyed listening to his radio show (which was the truth). And I got only a requisite 'thanks so much' in response.

[Chevy shrugs her shoulders]
Oh well!

A major life lesson re-learned:
"Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment"
(thanks Mahatma Ghandi)

There were no losses, tears shed, or hearts broken - only a tiny shred of disappointment and the confidence to try it again with a different guy at a different time. Let's consider CSR my first assignment for 'The Art of Flirting 101.' I wonder who assignment 2 will produce?


Reasonably Happy Gal said...

Great attitude. And you never have to wonder "what if?" Because now we know.

just jamie said...

Wait a minute. Are you giving up? Maybe subtlety is not his game. Go for it! (Easy for me to say, huh?)

marisa said...

Love your attitude here. Disappointment, yes. But no tears or heartbreak. And that's what moving on is all about! Yay, sweetie! I love your spirit.

Chevy said...

Yes, JJ, I am giving up. It's just so awkward doing the online thing. And, I mean, after the short replies from him, should I really go that extra step and call him to get his attention? I don't think I have the guts and I don't think my pride can handle it. I don't think he was interested. Granted, there was no ring (I'm getting good at checking that out subtly), but if he is the nice guy I think he is, maybe he has a nice girl at home. If I run into him again (which is likely in a small island), I'll approach him as if I don't think he's totally hot.

I'm exhausted with the whole situation. I know, I know, I should probably work on building up more endurance when it comes to getting guys' attention. But right now, I'm having a serious case of "can't be bothered."

Chevy said...

On second thought, maybe it would be better to be direct in the future. Next time, no e-mail foolishness. I'll just call the guy up or make it easier for him to tell I'm interested (and, consequently, to ask me out).

Ha! Let's see if I can do what I say I will do.

marisa said...

I think you emailing was the perfect way to approach it. That way you didn't catch him off-guard. I'd do things exactly the same next time. After all, you got your answer (even if it wasn't the one you would've preferred!) And you're not "giving up," you're "getting the message!"

RJTrue said...

Girl, you'll be able to do this again and perhaps real soon! No problem, right?
Way to stay realistic and positive. I'm learning there's no use in going after someone who doesn't have, or just doesn't want to show, interest.
Go get 'em girl!! Can't wait to hear about the next assignment!