Saturday, March 8, 2008


RJ True, I lied.

Yes, I've been thinking about him less often than I used to. But, today, I realized that I had been thinking about him a lot lately and about how I haven't heard from him in over a month (we usually e-mail / talk on the phone briefly every few weeks). Then today, as I wallowed in my self-pitying, seemingly inexplicable funk, I "stalked' him on Facebook. On his home page was a comment he had left on a female friend's picture: "Wow, you look beautiful :-)" (yeah, the smiley face was a direct quote - hmph!) The green-eyed monster that I never knew existed within me reared it's ugly 2 headed self. I literally stopped breathing for about 5 seconds as my eyes pierced a hole into my computer screen! Then, almost a month and a half after my last cry over our break-up, my eyes welled up and over flowed, on and off, for about half an hour.

So, it was just a silly comment to a girl (who IS beautiful, btw). But it was the fact that he was so respectful of our relationship when we were in a relationship that he would rarely say that another girl was beautiful. I'm not blind or stupid. Of course, he found other girls attractive, but he was great at making me feel like the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. But now, he doesn't have to. And that's when it hit me: We're really over. He doesn't have to consider my feelings anymore. He's moved on.

I've been oddly selfish and detrimentally considerate at the same time. Selfish, because I was okay with ME running around kissing Best Male Friend and trying to get the attention of Customer Service Representative, while expecting that my ex stay home to bury his head in books (at least that's what he told me he was doing and that's what I believed). Detrimentally considerate, because I wanted to believe that because we broke up under amicable, mutual terms that we would, one day, magically, cross paths and run into each other's arms never to lose sight of each other again. How foolishly optimistic and deluded I've been!

While I don't believe that the Facebook comment was an indicator of any potentially wild encounters between him and other women, it does suggest that he is entering that stage of "ex-dom" where he's becoming comfortable with- or, at least, getting used to -being single. Naturally, he should. Afterall, it HAS been 4 months.

I guess it's time I let go, accept an uncertain future (when it comes to him and me), and stop measuring the length of time between our conversations. I do still love him (he never gave me a reason not to), but I cannot hold on to false hope. Yes, he is the best man I've ever met (to date), but I cannot allow him to be the measuring post against which all other men must match up.

I'm beginning to think that there's not just one person out there for me but a few unique ones whose company I will cherish and from whom I will learn valuable lessons until I find the one I cannot bear to be away from. I need to become fully engaged in this journey, NOT the one that ended 4 months ago.


just jamie said...

Oh Chevy. Your honesty is brave and touching.

I love that you know to hold out for THE ONE you can't bear to be without.

Chevy said...

Thanks Jamie. I was afraid that I was beginning to sound a little redundant because I posted something very similar back in January. But, you know, I'm realizing that break-ups take time to heal and they require a series of A-Ha! moments before you can say you're on the right track. That's not an excuse,just a reality I'm accepting. I no longer consider myself in the "break-up" stage, but rather, I'm in the "self-discovery" stage that follows a heartbreak.

Gosh, there's so much to discover in this life and I love / hate the ways in which I'm tested. But, I love the advice you gave me in your comment to my 'Funky' post. I will try to do that more often! Thanks, Jamie!

Anonymous said...

I think maybe the concept of 'the one' works for different periods of time in your life. Different people can be the one at different stages, fufilling what you need maybe in your twenties but not in your thirties for example. Therefore you can completely believe that you've found the one, and for it to be true, but it won't be your only 'one'. Its how its worked for me and some of my friends and I think can be a very reassuring thought at times like you seem to be going through right now Chevy.

Hope the feeling passes again soon for you.

just jamie said...

P.S. I have a homework assignment for you over at my blog. :)

Chevy said...

Working Kitten, your comment was profound. I had heard that concept before, but you know how things don't click until you're in the moment yourself. I'm going to blog about your comment once I can get my head free of responsibilities! Comming soon...

Misty said...

The only thing I can think of to say is this:

Suffering, heart break units us all. We all share some heart ache, some we don't, but our hearts all pain the same.

Some flames fade slowly. Some more quickly. The worst injustice to yourself is to rush yourself, if you're not ready. Take ALL the time you need, heal in all necessary ways..... your one and only is out there, be whole for him.

And keep posting. I REALLY, really enjoy reading what you share. And thank you for that.

RJTrue said...

Well, my friend.
Apparently, I lie too - to myself.

It's okay. The one thing I know for sure is that we'll get through this and be better for it - or something like that :)

It totally sucks, but we'll get there.

I ain't mad at ya! Sometimes lies help us get to the truth a little sooner!