Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ugh...non-alcoholic Sunday morning hangover

Don't you hate Sunday mornings that follow Saturday afternoons that were completed wasted by splurging on really cute, bohemian dresses, drinking a Malibu and Pineapple at a sports bar with your sister and her buddies, and then visiting an art exhibition instead of getting your act together for the next week? Yeah, you're probably thinking "isn't that why Saturdays were made ?". Not always the case with my Saturdays, hun! I have the type of job that requires me to plan for the week ahead over the weekend. Sounds a little too demanding right? Sometimes I think so too, but I'm trying to be a trooper since I'm practically a rookie to the world of work.

Anyway, I've just made myself a hearty breakfast (English muffin and 2 scrambled eggs), gonna wash my hair, and get some work done before meeting a friend for a pina colada on the beach this evening! She and I share the same occupation and we have resolved to not let our career define and consume us in 2008. And since I'm no longer attached, my options for entertainment are limitless.

I'll let you know if I met any interesting beaus playing in the sand. Yeah, I know I'm still in the rebound stage...but I'm not taking any numbers, just looking to hone my flirting skills for when I am! ha ha! Have a great Sunday...

By the way, I was thinking: I'm going to give myself about 3 months total (it's been 2) to declare myself officially in the rebound stage (so that means no dating and lots of reflection).
How did you know it was safe for your heart to start roaming again?


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