Sunday, January 20, 2008

M.I.L.K.: Man I Like Knowing

Boy oh boy, am I out of practice when it comes to weekend partying. I am so pooped from running around and getting a total of 8 hours sleep in the past 72 hours. And yet, I'm headed to a games night at a friend's place in 30 minutes. I'm trying to tell myself that it's all about pace (but myself nah listenin').

Friday night was really fun: gobbled down some indian food with my big sis and another cool chick. Then we went dancing to techno. I'm really not a fan of the genre, but it's all in the name of "trying new things." I even had a drink (my customary "sex on the beach" - mmm, love a fruity beverage) I returned home buzzed on good vibes and the reassurance that being single is really FUN!

Then saturday night, my male "friend" (note the quotation marks) and I went out and had a really great time: dinner (it was like a date but without the pressure), drinks on an outdoor deck with live music, and then watching a boxing match in a smoky bar with one of his buddies. Then we ended the night with our usual hug and kiss on the cheek. The whole night was thoroughly sweet!

So, to fill you in. He and I go way back to middle school, we've grown up having feelings for each other but never really acting on them. Recently we admitted to those feelings, but we shrug off the occasional awkwardness that can be found in a too-long-held stare. We're both at points in our lives where we don't want relationships and we're working on improving ourselves. But we enjoy each other's company soooo very much!

In Jamaica, there's the saying: "I really rate him" = "I respect / admire him." And, that's how I feel about him. We talk about everything candidly while sopping up the male / female perspective that each of us brings to the topic at hand: sex, attraction, relationships, marriage, family life, career, kids (you name it). I love it! I have been dying to have this type of non-commital, non-sexual bond with a male for years, but I found that most guys were just looking to get into my knickers. But that's not the case with my male friend. He's such a gentleman and a gorgeous one at that (hey!!! I'm not blind). I completely dig his personality and genuinely love the friendship we have. Hope it lasts!

Have you ever had a semi - platonic male friend like mine? How did it turn out in the end? Hook-up or awkward break-up? Or did it remain neutral?


Anonymous said...

Hey, just found your blog via This Fish, what I've read so far it makes excellent reading!

Just had to comment on this as I had a semi platonic guy friend just like this where we did everything together, got the male female perspective etc, had the odd hook up & eventually admitted feelings more than friendship for each other. I couldn't imagine back then how it was ever going to turn out between us, but in the end we both met someone else at the same time. I met a man who turned into a long term relationship - and so did he!

He came out as gay, having been supressing it for a long time, and we're still the best of friends now. We even go out on holidays together with our partners.

I hope you get to keep this friend of yours after the feelings have been admitted. Someone who knows you that well is always worth keeping.

Chevy said...

Hey Working Kitten, thanks for stopping by and commenting. While I doubt that my friend will turn out gay (he is too much of a former playa' for that), I do hope that our friendship will end up like yours. He really is a great guy and even though he's super cute, I wouldn't want to form a relationship with him. I just know it would mess things up - the entire dynamic would change. I'll keep you all posted on how things are evolving. Do stop by again soon. Do you have a blog?

Anonymous said...

Alas no blog I'm afraid. Long time reader of them but have never set one of my own up. Not enough time in my current work situation and have a computer at home thats heaving its last breath! Its something I'd really like to do at some point though.

I doubt your friend will turn out gay too, your post just provoked me into commenting as the background felt so familiar!