Ok, there was no eye candy to be found on the beach on Sunday. Just lots of tubby middle-aged men with their adorable kids romping in the water.
However, one thing I did enjoy while sipping my pina colada and roasting in the Caribbean sun, was chatting with my girlfriend. She's about 16 years older than I am, but we get along uncanningly well. She's been single for a long time - not because she's incapable of getting or keeping a man - or because she has a hairy wart growing out of her nostril. She's in great shape, attractive, intelligent and really approachable. Her reason for not being married at 40-something was that she had tried marriage and didn't want to go that route again. Fact is, her husband passed away after just a few years of their union (doesn't your heart just break for her?). When I listened for the first time to this chapter of her life, I thought also of my aunt who divorced in her mid 40's and who, now at 60-something, is the hottest single chick in town.
Women like these are my heroes, particularly because they live in a society (the Caribbean) that is sluggishly departing from the notion that something must be inherently wrong with a single 30 year old woman. Now, I have roughly 4 more years to go before people start looking at me cross-eyed. But I often wonder, do I really want to get hitched? The older I get the less appealing marriage becomes. I figure I have quite some time to make up my mind.
What about you? Do you never intend to get married and why? OR Did you feel that way once, but someone/ something changed your mind?
I love being around women like that who are supportive of being single! It makes it a lot easier to be myself. And you're right! We have plenty of time...our whole lives, in fact!
I was in a relationship for nearly 7 years. Engaged. Called it off a few DAYS before getting married.
I would love to be married, BUT I have so many things I want to do in life - move to Africa, be a *great* humanitarian, etc, etc. I cannot put my dreams aside for a man. And I truly love being single.
I pray for God to do what is best for me in terms of relationships. I don't wanna wake up at 87 and realize that it's just me and the electric blanket - again. But I also don't want to wake up at 87 resenting the fella next to me for the things I didn't/couldn't/wouldn't do because I was a wife and/or mother.
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