Friday, March 7, 2008


She says, "I need to find a way to get you out of this funk."

I reply, "I'm not in a funk. I'm fine."

She shoots me the don't-think-you-can-fool-me look.

I repeat, "I'm FINE!"

Tonight as I sit on my bed, fresh from a warm shower, with nowhere to go on a Friday night, I realize I'm not fine. I HAVE been in a funk these past few weeks and I don't think it's my birth control.

I feel withdrawn, extremely irritable, and I can't get up on time. My rhythm is off. I have lost the balance in my life (the worst thing that could happen to a Libra).

I believe it all started a 2 weeks ago when I had the most stressful weeks at work. I wasn't sleeping properly, I was working long hours, I was a wreck. But that's history and I'm still miserable. Why?

I need to suss this out this weekend because I HATE feeling this way!


just jamie said...

So I must confess I have been in a similar funk. But I had my "aha" moment today.

Try this:

Fast forward to the person you will become when you attain complete happiness. Now be that girl for a minute. Have *that girl* tell *this girl* that it will ALL work out. Have *that girl* reassure *this girl* that if she holds on, it only gets better.

I dunno. Helps me.

Misty said...

First. I love Jamie, don't you?

As a survivor of many bouts of funk, for many different reasons - - keep sharing, I'll be listening....

Your blog is a FANTASTIC read. You have a talent right here under your finger tips.....